Lara Croft is back with Academy Award Winner, Alicia Vikander! It was great to design and animate these graphics for such an iconic property. The print campaign had flat, grungy typography so matching that aesthetic was key. Although the treatment of the graphics are fairly 2D, it felt right to give it some real world physics animation for some added energy - after all, this is Tomb Raider. Each card was custom built and art directed. They were created using Voronoi objects with dynamics tags inside of Cinema 4D. For the dust particles, footage elements were used.
These graphics were also used for broadcast, Instagram and Snapchat. They were also created in stereoscopic 3D.
Design + Animation: Michael Daniels
Creative Director: Suppasak Viboonlarp
Executive Producer: John Busenberg
Producer: Ainslie Thomas
All work created at DevaStudios